Pre K Basketball
For ages 4-5
For boys and girls alike! Get your feet moving and your pulse-pounding in this fun and inclusive class. Each day, players work to develop their basketball skills and participate in variety of basketball-based games to keep them moving. Our focus is on inclusion, teamwork, basic skills and loads of fun! But hurry! The shot-clock is running down!
PreK Soccer
For ages 4-5
Teamwork, fundamentals, safety and fast-paced action. Get your pulse pounding today!
PreK T-Ball
Ages 4-5
Knock it out of the park and touch ‘em all! Our kid-friendly, fundamentals-based approach to baseball will keep your little leaguer active and engaged. Students are drilled on basic skills: throwing, catching, hitting and running the bases. We then incorporate those skills into fast-paced games.
PARENTS: Please provide your child with a glove and outdoor attire each day that class meets. We will be using rubber balls and wiffle balls. SAFETY IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY!