• Our mission is to engage youth to •THINK! •LEARN! and •PLAY WELL!
• Whichever subject you are enrolled in with {YEL!}, the mission remains the same. Our curriculum, training, supplies and values all point towards achieving the mission.
• Our vision is to bring our FIVE STAR youth classes and events to communities across North America. If you want to bring our classes to your school or community, please contact us. We are also in the process of engaging and nurturing Regional Directors in a number of emerging markets to meet our vision. Let us know if you are interested in joining {YEL!} to achieve our vision.
Core Values
• Enthusiasm: We work with kids. {YEL!} teachers have to be enthusiastic to keep kiddos engaged throughout the time of instruction. Our teachers arrive to schools enthused to do the work that has been set for them.
• Can-Do Attitude: These are kids we are working with. Things change in a moment. Our goal is to joyfully rise to any challenge a classroom environment presents.
• Service: We say what we do and do what we say. We are here to serve our students, their parents, schools, and communities.
• Stewardship: The students in our classes are a blessing to us. We take care of them, look out for their emotional and physical safety and nurture their growth. We also seek out opportunities to bring our programs to students and communities who don’t have the same access to our programs due to financial or environmental challenges.