Work From Home
Imagine being able to get your kids on the bus each morning, walk into your home and dig into work. No commute.
Or you wake up and check your emails before morning coffee, check to see if all of your tasks are completed for the week, see how your business is doing financially…without leaving home. No commute.
Co-founder, Chet Gunhus, used to live in Los Angeles, where he ‘enjoyed’ a 12 mile commutes that took 45 minutes each way…in GOOD TRAFFIC.
“I was wasting my life in a line of cars and bustle. It just wasn’t my style. When Lisa and I started YEL in 2004, I wanted to be close to family, be close-at-hand when my kids needed me, help my family get ready for school, be involved in coaching baseball, robotics, chess, whatever. I wanted to be there for my kids. I’ve literally saved thousands of hours in commuting time and been able to translate that into thousands of hours with family. It’s been a huge blessing in our lives.”
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