The Youth Enrichment League Education Business Opportunity

• Are you looking to make a difference?

• Would you like to help kiddos in your community and make a great living doing it?

• Youth Enrichment League offers franchisees:

  ✅ A proven system of robust curriculum, dynamic instructors, and FIVE STAR service in hundreds of communities.

  ✅ A proven brand in communities across Wisconsin, including: Madison, Green Bay, Fox Crossing, La Crosse, Hudson, and many more.

  ✅ A tried and true training methodology to get education business franchisees up and running quickly and sustain it for years.

Let’s Talk

Let’s talk about what motivates you to make a difference in your community and communities all around you.  CLICK HERE to schedule a time to talk.

An Education Business in Milwaukee, WI

Learn More!

Get a free copy of our "Make a Difference" white paper. Learn more about the {YEL!} Franchise opportunity.

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Interested in Franchise Opportunities?
Call (800) 959-9261 or
Download Our Industry Outlook Report:
How to Grow in the Extracurricular Education Industry!